Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blu, Safari-4 and CoolIris

There are 3 new gr8 looking software available in the market now, i would like to blog about them

1.CoolIris: This is not new, but gr8, if u have ever missed please revisit http://www.cooliris.com/
2.Safari-4: Safari 4 is released yesterday, with nice UI enhancements. few things copied from Chrome. nice looking wall is added to show the top 16 site!! http://www.apple.com/safari/download/
3.Blu: Blu is gr8 looking twitter client for windows (claims that its for Vista and Windows7, but i can run WinXp as well, probably u need to install WPF  (latest .net framework) )

Blu is from http://www.thirteen23.com you can download it from here http://www.thirteen23.com/experiences/desktop/blu/#

Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 Simple step to add tweetactive gadget on your Blog

1.Go to Blogger
2.Edit configuration of you blog , layout-->pageelements
3.Click Add a Gadget, select "HTML/JavaScript"
4.In content paste to follwing iFrame code
inserts iframe with following configuration
src:http://www.tweetactive.com/getfancybadge?id={YOUR TWITTER ID}
<iframe width="200px" frameborder="0" src="http://www.tweetactive.com/getfancybadge?id=markandey" scrollbar="no" height="200px">

5.Thats it.. you are done!!!

you can customize height and width as per your need, depends on what layout u r using.

Download mp3 songs of bollywood movies easily

There is a website bollyfm.net which allows you to download mp3 file for free. I have created a small javascript hack to get download link in a flash.. 
Follow these steps to use it.
1.Go to this URL
2.Download the web page. (using save as option in browser)
3.Open the download page from you browser.
4.Click Movie list then click song list and then click the link to download the song

Though you will use this web page offline. All data which you will see on the page will be current and fresh. it uses Ajax (JSON) to get the list.
The bolly fm site is stripped using YQL (html and xPath).
The layout of the page is designed using the YUI.

Enjoy Bollywood songs

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

hAcK dAy iNdia (My Tools are ready)

Hi Hackers,
jus wanted to share what are the tools m having on my lappy before I am coming to the hackday !
Yahoo Open Hack Day is primarily for web developer !!! but wait.. even if you are not a web developer or even if u dont have any prior knowledge of web you can still be champ out there!! Like me i am not a web developer, m hard core C/C++ programmer, work most of the time on embedded platform. but still i think I will be one of the challenging hacker.
More than hacking and wining the prizes; hackday is gr8 for networking and meeting people !! most importantly you will meet Filo (Yahoo Co-founder) ,Chris (codepo8) and many more !!!

Here are the few things i have installed on my lappy !! may be u can use the same.
(I have windows based lappy)

*Notepad++ : For simple text editing like javascript/html/css or even php code!!
*Aptana Studio: For advanced editing of javascript/html/css/php and many more web languages.
*Python 2.5: pyhton is gr8 language for web programming, moreover its a language of one of the most popular cloud Google App Engine!!!
*Google App Engine: You can install Google App Engine, if u have any plans to host web pages on App Engine.
*Twhirl: Twitter client to communicate and collaborate with fellow hackers. This is also important that you share your hackday experience with rest of the world, and tell them that they are missing something big.

Do not forget to bring camera, cus m sure u will like to capture the moments!!!